Girls...If you want a tattoo that highlights your feminine side, choose a cute lower back tattoo. Learn about some of the most popular designs and the benefits and drawbacks of getting a lower back tattoos.
Until a decade or two ago, lower back tattoos were mostly unheard of. We started to see them in the 90s when girls and women figured out that the lower back was the perfect spot to get a tat. Cute lower back tattoos are simple to flash and really ornament a woman’s body. Lower back tattoos come in all imaginable shapes and sizes.
Celebrities have spearheaded the trend of using lower back tattoos to express themselves. Singer Brandy ahs a lotus flower, actress Angelina Jolie has a Bengal tiger, singer Britney Spears has a fairy, and former singer Aaliya had a dove. There are many more popular celebs who choose lower back tattoos to enhance their sex appeal and express their personality. You’ve probably spotted some great lower back tattoos yourself, as almost 20% of women these days have them.
One great design for cute lower back tattoos is a tribal design. They fit really well on a lower back. It’s easy to adjust their size and shape, and they look feminine and flowy but still tough at the same time. They are very exotic. Traditionally, clan members are tattooed for religious or superstitious reasons. Many feature gods or powerful symbols, which can be a real source of strength to a woman. Tribal designs are very unique and interesting.
Another cute lower back tattoo design is the butterfly. The butterflies elongated shape with outspread wings is perfect for the sloping shape of the lower back, and their multicolored beauty has long fascinated our culture. A complex and beautiful butterfly is elegant, interesting, and already a symbol of the feminine world. Featuring a butterfly on your lower back offers you many possibilities for size, shape, and color. Don’t be surprised if you never see another butterfly quite like your own.
One things you should consider about lower back tattoos is the pain. No tattoo is completely without pain. But considering the location of a lower back tattoo – thin skin directly over the spine – it can hurt considerably more than other types of tattoos that cover areas with more fleshy skin. They will also be more costly because they will be covering a larger area and need more ink and more of the tattoo artist’s time. But regardless of price or pain, what matters is that you love the finished tattoo. What matters most is that you’ve got a tattoo you love when it’s over!!!!!!